50 Facts About Bri!

Last week here on Deep Fried Diamonds I noticed that I had surpassed 50 posts.. which is kind of insane to me because I haven’t even been posting for a full year yet! It went so fast, but I’m loving every single second of it. This blog is my passion, and I love that I found a platform where I can share my talents, things I love to do, and what makes me happy! After the shock of realizing that I already had posted 50 posts about party planning, food, and yummy twisted cocktails, I decided I wanted to do 50 of something. I was thinking 50 facts “about Bri” would be awesome for those of you who really don’t know me personally.. now will be able to understand more of who’s behind each and everyone of these last 50 posts, and any more to come in the future!


  1. My full name is Briana Lee Meshkofski. 
  2. I am 25 years old.
  3. I was born on June 17th, 1994. 
  4. I am very short!
  5. I am still dating my high school sweetheart. His name is Cody, and he’s an artist/tattoo artist.
  6. I have a Bichon Frise named, Chef. He is my little baby, and I don’t know what my life would be without him.
  7. Bille Eilish is my heart and soul. My absolute favorite artist in the world, and a fashion icon. I even have her eye tattooed on my right forearm.
  8. My favorite season is Fall for sure! Everyone in my life knows it.
  9. I only love summer if I am in the pool, or doing something in air conditioning.
  10. I’d much rather be cold than hot. 
  11. I can not sleep with socks on my feet.
  12. It makes me happy to be in, or around water. (lakes, pools, oceans)
  13. I’d rather lay by the pool, than lay on the beach.
  14. I can’t stand liars, or when people just don’t admit when they’ve done something.
  15. I wish that I could stay young forever.
  16. I can’t stand being in silence, unless i’m at a spa. Even when I am busy, or doing certain things I still always have background noise going. Whether it may be the tv, music, youtube videos, or podcasts.. it definitely keeps me focused and motivated. 
  17. I crave the taste of coffee, and I drink it pretty much every single day of my life. I enjoy it in any form except black.
  18. Fashion is one of my biggest passions.
  19. If I had the talent of drawing.. I would have also wanted to be a fashion designer, or design houses at some point in my career.
  20. I LOVE shopping so much.
  21. Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of having a huge walk in closet that you would see in movies/tv shows.
  22. I collect handbags and sunglasses. 
  23. I will never think that I have enough pairs of sneakers/shoes in my closet.
  24. I’ll wear sneakers all summer long. I can’t stand wearing sandals, but of course I will if it goes with a distinct outfit.
  25. I’m really good at doing makeup. Myself or someone else’s.
  26. I’m highly into skincare. I think it’s very important to have healthy skin.
  27. I don’t enjoy having the same things as other people. I love uniqueness.
  28. I am a perfectionist when it comes to things that I do/love.
  29. I’d rather give gifts than receive them.
  30. I swear I have a gift for planning and putting together really special gifts for people.  All I have to do is know a few things about someone or what they like, and I’m your girl for creating an awesome gift bag!
  31. Party planning/preparing for specific events is something that I take great pride in. 
  32. I love food photography.
  33. I can write all day, I love it so so much.
  34. Cleaning and organizing makes me so happy. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment. 
  35. I’m obsessed with vintage/antique shops.
  36. I’m truly an 80’s girl at heart. The music, fashion, the way of life. Im obsessed with everything about it.
  37. Ever since I could remember It was always a goal of mine to someday own a Mercedes Benz. 
  38. All my life I have been extremely into luxury/designer things.
  39. My absolute dream car of life is a Rolls Royce Wraith. 
  40. I’m not a picky eater in the least; I am the biggest foodie! 
  41. If I could I would eat sushi every day of my life.
  42. I hate hot tea more than anything.
  43. I am not an out doors kind of gal. I only like being outside when I’m relaxing on a pretty patio, or at any sort of pool.
  44. I fear insects like you wouldn’t believe.
  45. I will not step foot in the woods.
  46. I used to love scary movies, and now I will not ever watch them.
  47. Wendy’s will always be my favorite fast food restaurant. In my opinion, it has the best everything! It’s super nostalgic to me.
  48. I used to be a gold girl and absolutely hate silver, but now I love them both equally.
  49. The only candles I love and will spend money on are from Bath and Body Works. It’s also true when they say a house is not a home unless a candle is burning!
  50. I LOVE going out to eat with loved ones, friends, my boyfriend, and just trying all sorts of new places. (I can’t wait until that day is finally here again.)

      Well Diamonds.. here’s 50 fun facts about me, and when I hit 100 posts I will definitely have something awesome coming your way for that special moment as well!


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Lori says:

    These facts are so cool. I enjoyed reading everyone!!! P.S. I will not go into the woods either!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are not woods girls!


  2. lora leiser- depuy says:

    Very interesting since I know your Mom since first grade!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AWE, thats really cute to hear! Glad you enjoyed reading 🙂


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